Why is particle board susceptible to moisture? Dec 05, 2023

Why is particle board susceptible to moisture?


Particleboard is susceptible to moisture because of its composition. It consists of wood particles (usually small chips or shavings) that are bonded together using resins or adhesives. These particles are not inherently moisture-resistant, and when exposed to water or high humidity, they can absorb moisture, swell, warp, and even decompose.

The main factors that contribute to particleboard's susceptibility to moisture are:


1. Porosity: Particleboard has a porous structure, which means it has very small gaps and spaces between wood particles. When exposed to humidity, these gaps absorb moisture, causing the board to swell or weaken.


2. Bonding materials: The adhesives used to bind the wood particles in particleboard together are usually not moisture resistant. This means that water can penetrate the board through the gaps between the particles and degrade the adhesive, leading to structural instability.


3. Lack of natural resins: Unlike solid wood, particleboard does not contain natural resins or oils that provide some degree of moisture resistance. Without these natural substances, particleboard is more susceptible to moisture damage.

In order to protect particleboard from moisture-related problems, it is important to take preventive measures, such as:


1. Use of sealers or protective coatings: Sealers or coatings specifically designed for particleboard can help form a moisture barrier. These products can be applied to the edges and surfaces of the boards to minimise water absorption.


2. Avoid direct contact with water: Particleboard should be kept away from areas prone to splashing or excessive humidity, such as kitchens, bathrooms or outdoor environments. If used in such areas, it should be properly sealed or protected.


3. Maintain proper ventilation: Adequate ventilation helps prevent the accumulation of moisture and humidity in the surrounding environment, which can indirectly affect the particleboard.

It is worth noting that there are various types of moisture-resistant particleboards available in the market, such as Moisture Resistant (MR) or Exterior Grade particleboards. These types of particleboards are manufactured with special additives or treatments that enhance their moisture resistance.

YALIG has more than 20 years of experience in the production of particleboards with a high level of moisture resistance. If you need to use particle board please feel free to contact us, we can serve you well.

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